Oxford Basic American Dictionary [Oxford] (fb2) читать постранично

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A / ei / noun

[ count, noncount ] ( plural A's, a's / eiz / )

the first letter of the English alphabet "Apple" begins with an "A."

A the highest grade given for a test or piece of work I got an A on my chemistry exam.

а Ф / э ; ei / ( also an / эп ; жп / ) article

one or any

Would you like a drink? A dog has four legs. He's a teacher.

each, or for each

She calls her mother three times a week. The salary is $45,000 a year. Which word?

( a.ban dons , a.ban . don . ing , a ban doned )

to leave someone or something completely He abandoned his car in the snow.

to stop doing something before it is finished When the rain started, we abandoned our game.

ab bey / 'rebi / noun

[ count ] ( plural ab . beys )

( religion ) a building where religious men or women (called monks and nuns ) live or lived

ab • bre • vi • ate / э^ы^ / verb

( ab . bre . vi . ates , ab . bre . vi . at . ing , ab . bre . vi . at . ed )

to make a word shorter by not saying or writing some of the letters

The word "telephone" is often abbreviated to "phone."

ab • bre • vi • a • tion / э^т^ / noun

[ count ]

( english language arts ) a short form of a word TV is an abbreviation for "television."

ABCs ( also ABC's ) / ,ei bi 'siz / noun [ plural ]

the letters of the English alphabet We learned our ABC's in preschool.

ab • do • men / 'жbdэmэn / noun

[count] ( formal )

( biology ) the front middle part of your body, which contains your stomach

a . bil . i .ty Ф/ o'biloti / noun [count, noncount] ( plural a . bil . i . ties )

the power and knowledge to do something

She has the ability to pass the test, but she needs to work


a . Ые О / 'eibl / adjective

having the power, knowledge, time, etc. to do something Will you be able to come to the party? Is Sue able to swim?

^ANTONYM unable , ^Look at can 1 . Suffix


( in adjectives )

possible to accept able ador able cur able

unpredict able (= that you cannot predict )

having a particular quality comfort able

fashion able

ab • nor • mal aw / reb'norml /

different from what is normal or usual, in a way that

worries you or that is unpleasant

They thought the boy's behavior was abnormal.

abnormal behavior ^ANTONYM normal

ab nor mal ly AWL / жb'nэrmэli / adverb abnormally high temperatures

a•board / эЪэй / adverb, preposition

on or onto a ship, train, bus, or airplane Are all the passengers aboard the ship? Welcome aboard Flight 603 to Miami.

a • bol • ish / э'ЬаЬТ / verb

( a . bol . ish . es , a bol . ish . ing , a . bol . ished )

to stop or end something by law

The senator has promised to abolish the tax if he is elected president.

ab • o • li • tion / ^ЬэЪ/п / noun [ noncount ]

the abolition of slavery

a•bout Ч ? / o'baot / adverb

1 ( also a . round ) a little more or less than; a little before or after

She's about 30 years old.

There were about 2,000 people at the concert.

got there at about two o'clock.

almost; nearly Dinner is just about ready.

be about to do something to be going to do something very soon The movie is about to start.

a•bout 2® / o'baot/ preposition

of; on the subject of a book about cats We talked about the problem. What are you thinking about?

a.bove О / эЪм? / adverb, preposition

1 in a higher place; higher than someone or something

I looked up at the sky above.

My bedroom is above the kitchen.

There is a picture on the wall above the fireplace.

^ANTONYM below 2 more than a number or price

children aged ten and above ^ANTONYM below, under above all

more than any other thing; what is most important He's handsome and intelligent and, above all, he's kind!

a • bridged / s'br^d / adjective

(used about a book) shorter than the original an abridged version of a novel

a • broad / s'brod / adverb

in or to another country She lives abroad.

He plans to spend his junior year studying abroad. a brupt / s'brApt / adjective

sudden and unexpected an abrupt change of plans

seeming rude and unfriendly

I'm sorry for being so abrupt with you. ► a brupt ly / s'brAptli / adverb The conversation ended abruptly.

ab Sence / 'rebssns / noun [ count, noncount ] a time when a person or thing is not there frequent absences from school due to illness I am doing Julie's job in her absence .

ab • Sent / 'rebssnt / adjective

not there

Taylor was absent from school today.

ab • sent • mind • ed / ^bssnt'maindsd /


often forgetting or not noticing things, perhaps because you are thinking about something else

Grandma is getting more absentminded as she gets older. ^SYNONYM forgetful

ab • so • lute / 'rebsslut / adjective


I've never played chess before. I'm an absolute beginner. The whole trip was an absolute disaster.

ab .so . lute . ly Ф / 'веЫэДиш; ^iwiutii /


1 completely

was absolutely certain that it was her.

(used when you are strongly agreeing with someone) yes; certainly

"It's a good idea, isn't it?" "Oh, absolutely!" ab SOrb / sb'sorb / verb ( ab . sorbs , ab . sorb . ing , ab . sorbed )

( general science ) to take in something like liquid or heat, and hold it

The dry ground absorbed all the rain.

ab • sorb • ent / sb'sorbsnt / adjective

( general science ) able to take in and hold something, especially liquid an absorbent cloth

ab • sorb • ing / sb'sorbig /