Практический курс английского языка.1 курс [В Д Аракин] (fb2) читать постранично, страница - 163

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head to ... foot. 18.1 always meet them walking... arm in... arm.


Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice making the indirect object the

subject of the passive construction.

Note. It is more usual in English to make the indirect object the subject of the passive


M o d e l : They showed me the way. I was

shown the way.

1. He offered me a chair. 2. We gave him all the money. 3. They have just

shown me a new magazine. 4. Mother promised the boy a new toy. 5. Nobody

has told me the news yet. 6. They sent you the invitation last week. 7.1 am sure

they will offer you a very interesting job. 8. They recommended me several

articles on that problem. 9. Someone taught him French and gave him a

dictionary. 10. They asked us to be there at eight o'clock. 11. They have promised

me some books on this problem. 12. A passer-by showed us the way to Trafalgar



Translate the following sentences into English using the Passive Voice:

1 Когда обсуждался этот вопрос? 2. Такие вопросы часто обсуждаются

на нашйх собраниях. 3. Какой вопрос сейчас обсуждается? 4. Этот вопрос

уже обсудили. 5. Когда я пришла, этот вопрос обсуждался. 6. Эта книга

написана в XVIII веке. 7. Когда статья будет написана, ее поместят в газете.

8. Рассказ уже написан? 9. Эта работа была написана до того, как были

сделаны новые открытия в этой области. 10. В Москве сейчас строится

много новых домов. 11. Когда мы переехали сюда, неподалеку строилось

несколько домов. 12. На этой площади будет построен новый дом. 13. Этот

дом был построен до войны. 14. Эта школа только что построена Осенью в

ней начнутся занятия. 15. Мне уже задавали такой вопрос. 16. Такие

вопросы часто задают на экзамене. 17. Я уверена, что вам зададут много

вопросов, когда вы будете рассказывать о своей поездке. 18, Так как ему

уже раньше задавали такие вопросы, он знал, что ответить.


Put the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

M o d e l : They laughed at him. He was

laughed at.

1. People speak much of him. 2. They will look after the children well. 3.

People will laugh at you if you say it. 4. They sent for the doctor immediately. 5.

Everybody listened to her attentively. 6. They always wait for me after the

lessons. 7. Nobody took notice of this little boy. 8. Everybody lost sight of the

boat in the fog, 9. Why are they laughing at her? 10.1 wonder whether they will

listen to him. 11. Students often refer to these books, 12. Nobody has ever

spoken to me in such a way. 13. If they send for you don't refuse to come. 14.

They have not referred to that incident since then.


Make up sentences using the given verbs in the Passive Voice:

to look (at), to listen (to), to wait (for), to think (of), to speak (about), to refer

(to), to look (for), to look (after), to send (for), to laugh (at), to speak (to), to ask



Translate into English using the Passive Voice:

1 Работа только что закончена. 2. Доклад слушали очень внимательно. 3.

Его вчера нигде не видели. 4. Телеграмма будет получена только завтра 5.

На этой улице строится новая станция мет

ро. 6. Когда была написана эта статья? 7. Его попросили принять участие в

концерте. 8. Об этом фильме много говорят. 9. Ей посоветовали написать доклад по-

английски. 10. Вас просят к телефону. 11. Мне дали эту книгу всего на 3 дня. 12. Эта

книга не переведена на русский язык. 13. Эта пьеса поставлена в Московском

Художественном театре. 14. Меня об этом никогда не спрашивали. 15. В детстве ее

учили музыке. 16. После лекции нам покажут фильм о Лондоне. 17. Письмо еще не

отправили. 18. Интересно, ему уже сказали об этом или нет. 19. На эту книгу редко

ссылаются, хотя она была издана в 1970 году. 20. Над вами будут смеяться, если вы это



Use the proper article:

Мог knew that now was his chance to give Miss Carter ... letter. He stood up.

Miss Carter looked at him, ... little surprised. Мог searched his pockets for ...

letter, which took him ... moment or two. Then he held it forth and threw it

quickly on to her knee. It fell to ... floor and she picked it up with ... puzzled

look, As she did this, ... motion caught ... Mor's eye and he looked over ... Miss

Carter's head to see that Demoyte was standing at ... open door and had seen ...

scene. Miss Carter, who had her back to ... door, had not observed him. She put...

letter quickly into ... handbag, which lay beside her, and looked up again at Мог.

(Alter "The Sandcastle" by Iris Murdoch)

151. Comment on the formation and meaning of the tenses in the

following sentences. Translate them into Russian:

1. The sun rises in the East; now it is setting and night is falling. 2.1 haven't

seen your brother lately. Has he gone away? 3.1 am taking the children to the

Zoo this afternoon. 4.1 felt she did not believe a word I was saying. 5. She

suddenly realized that she had left her umbrella in the bus. 6. When shall we see

you again? — I'll call on you as soon as I come back from Canada. 7. He was

tired because he had been working too hard. 8. They haven't spoken to each other

since they quarrelled. 9. We shall be playing in a tennis match on Sunday with

medical students. 10.1 hoped she would soon forget all about it. 11.1 have been

waiting here nearly half an hour. 12.1 must have a rest. I have been running

round the town all day.

To Lesson 18


Point out the Complex Object and the verbs after which this construction is used:

1. She made me do it. 2. I saw him enter the room. 3. We watched the train

disappear. 4. You will hear him speak. 5. Mother didn't let the boy go to the

yard. 6. The teacher made the pupil repeat the rule once more. 7. We wanted