Английский самоучитель [Елена Викторовна Вогнистая] (pdf) читать постранично, страница - 99

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The answer to many of your questions in in this
9. The photo of Sarah was on the Web site of a
famous blogger.
10. Her relationship with her father isn’t good.
11. Sugar is a major cause of tooth decay.
1. It is the key to successful results.
2. There’s no need for medication. You are almost
3. There isn’t enough contact between teachers and
4. Scientists have found the relationship between
lung cancer and smoking.
5. The advantage of booking tickets in advance is
that you get better seats.
6. Trust me, there’s no reason for concern.
7. I think he had good reason for doing that.
8. I want to have a map of the moon.
9. The advantage of the plan is its simplicity.
10. She showed me a picture of her mother as a
11. There’s no connection between these two
12. Have you been in contact with Andrew
Урок 88
1. of 2. of 3. about 4. of 5. for 6. about 7. of 8. about
9. of 10. of
1. There is nothing to be nervous about.
2. She was very nervous about this role.
3. You must be worried about him.
4. I hope you’re not furious about yesterday.
5. I think you’re not serious about your career.


6. I understand that you’re still angry about
7. Vanessa is really upset about her sister.
8. Are you still angry about Billy?
9. I’m happy about this situation.
1. It was nice of you to give them money.
2. Trevor, you must be pretty proud of yourself.
3. Are you tired of this work?
4. Mr. Collins is short of volunteers.
5. It was stupid of me and I understand that now.
6. I have a notebook full of my poems.
7. You must be sure of yourself.
8. I am afraid of what the teacher will say.
9. You should be ashamed of your behavior.
Урок 89
1. Let’s look at this objectively.
2. It would depend on the situation.
3. I would never let that happen to you.
4. If you get into difficulties, ask for advice.
5. I decided to ask for my friend’s help.
6. We can only wait for the end, unfortunately.
7. We belong to the same book club.
8. I can’t think about/of that right now.
9. I will wait for his return.
10. Honey, thanks for coming with me.
1. You must pay for what you did.
2. Don’t worry. It could happen to anyone.
3. She wanted to listen to the radio.
4. No one can talk to animals.
5. John did not know how to explain to his wife
that he lost his job.
6. This land will always belong to our family.
7. Customers usually pay for additional work.
8. I came here to speak to you.
9. Follow them and listen to them.
10. Neal, please explain to me what’s going on.
Урок 90
Mike wakes up at 7 o’clock. He gets up at 7:05. He
washes up. He turns on some music. He might do
the washing up. Then it’s time to put on clothes and
go to work. His workplace is far from his house, so
he gets on a bus. His workday starts immediately
after he comes into the shop. When he finished
work in the evening and comes out of the shop,
he is tired. He turns on music and starts cooking
dinner or doing the washing up.

Ответы к упражнениям
Урок 91
1. on 2. down 3. away 4. out 5. up 6. in 7. back 8.
1. We should take off our shoes at the entrance.
2. Would you like to sit down?
3. He put something in the locker.
4. Depression can take away your energy.
5. You should put on a necklace for the ball.
6. You told me not to come back.
7. You guys have to get out of here quickly.
8. It’s necessary for you to get up early.
Урок 92
1. Turn off all the lights before going out.
2. We need to switch on the lights.
3. There is no way to turn it off.
4. Don’t throw away this magazine.
5. I can’t switch it off.
6. Put it on the shelf behind the book.
7. Put on your hat.
8. I’ll take it off for a minute.
9. Tell Tony to wait for me.
10. I know a place where no one will look for us.
1. I can look after myself.
2. Would you switch off the radio?
3. I was trying to turn it on.
4. Some man came to the office to pick it up.
5. I wanted to throw it away.
6. She came into the living room to switch it on.
7. Please pick up the pen from the floor.
8. You should turn on the news.
9. I would like to take off my hat.
10. I couldn’t look at them without tears.
Урок 93
1. He was looking for work as a builder.
2. It is human nature to look away from illness. It’s
hard to watch.
3. I’ve just been looking through my cookery books
for inspiration.
4. I’m trying not to look ahead to what will happen
when he dies.
5. Please look out when you’re crossing streets.
6. It’s hard work looking after three children all
7. It wasn’t such a bad experience when I look back
on it.
8. He turned and looked at her.

9. I’m really looking forward to working with you.
1. I might take him under my wing and look after
2. We are looking for a partner in our new business.
Are you interested?
3. She couldn’t look at me without tears.
4. Some people just look away, when you look at
5. She was looking forward to seeing her
grandchildren again.
6. You may look through the contract to learn
7. Look out there, these guys have got guns.
8. One day we’ll look back on this and laugh.
9. The house is big enough for us now, but we’re
looking ahead as we want to have children.
Урок 94
1. I won’t take back what I said, because I was right.
2. The dentist had to take out his tooth.
3. Here is her letter asking us to take care of her
4. She looks very mature so I took her for much
older than 14.
5. You don’t have to take apart the whole engine
to fix it.
6. When the protests started the army took over.
7. Take away this empty cup, please.
8. The plane took off at 8.30 a.m.
9. Roger likes Sandy and wants to take her out.
1. Our boss took us out for drinks. It was nice of
2. You should take care of your sick mother.
3. I take back everything I ever said about you.
4. Can you take over the cooking while I walk the
5. You can take away my passport, but you can’t
take away my experience.
6. Do you know how to take apart a gun and put it
back together?
7. You should take you shoes off when you come
into the house.
8. You should never take anything for granted
because one day you can lose it.
9. Take out what’s in this pocket.
Урок 95
1e 2d 3i 4c 5g 6a 7b 8f 9h


Ответы к упражнениям
1. Nobody has yet come forward with any
information relating to the her disappearance.
2. She came off her new bike and hurt her knee.
3. You wait half an hour for a bus, then three come
along at once!
4. Perhaps you could come by for a drink after
5. It eventually came out that she was already
6. He came across some old love letters.
7. We’ve just come back from London.
8. Sorry I’m late. Something came up at the last
9. Five more people have come down with a fever.
Урок 96
1b 2h 3e 4g 5d 6f 7a 8c 9i
1. Wind whispers words that I can’t make out.
2. How’s he making out in the new job?
3. So you’ve got me, without the miracle of hair
and make-up.
4. They made for the center of town.
5. We often quarrel but we always make it up soon
6. He picked up his umbrella and made for the
7. I’d like to make these pieces of wood into a
8. They’ve made the spare room into an office.
Урок 97
1. He goes running every day after work.
2. Jack and his dad have gone fishing until later
this evening.
3. Look at those clouds. It’s going to rain!
4. Let’s go dancing this weekend.
5. If I lived near a lake, I would go swimming more
6. The ladder is shaking. That man is going to fall!
7. I’m going to watch the match on television.
8. Emma is going to share an apartment with
9. I went shopping last night.
10. Hurry up! We’re going to miss the bus.
1. The heating has gone off. It’s freezing in here!
2. “Could I ask you a rather personal question?”
“Sure, go ahead.”


3. Jack trained hard and decided to go for the